Mothers Day Celebration: History and Loss Tribute!

The history of Mothers Day Celebration. Remembering your mom despite the loss. And the significance of honoring your mother-in-law as your mom on this special day. Indeed, this tribute is a personal one. As well as the history of Mothers day. A day of honoring your mom. Whether it was the one that gave birth to you. Or the one who raised you.

The History of Mothers Day Celebrations Past and Present!

The history of the Mothers Day Celebration is due to Anna Jarvis’s grief over the loss of her mom. There are different dates on the internet for the year she lost her mom. But somewhere around 1905. She held a memorial service at her church honoring moms. I have heard it before that she would pass out different color carnations. Representing whether or not your mom was still on Earth. While Mrs. Jarvis gave White Carnations to Honor the Moms in Heaven. And Red Carnations. Or Pink Carnations to honor moms still on earth.

Ana Jarvis mothers day tribute

In the year 1914 Mothers Day became a national holiday in the US. As well as many other countries celebrating moms all over. However, Mrs. Jarvis did not like the way that Mother’s day was not about gifts. She tried to have the holiday taken off the calendar. Stating moms should be honored with letters, flowers, and visits. That call from the grown children every now and again is nice. So, having a day set aside to remember your mom is the true thought behind this holiday. Although the day has become more about gifts. Remembering Mrs. Jarvis reasoning behind the holiday. Indeed, it will guide our path today to honor our moms alive. And remember, our moms are not here on Earth.

Celebrating Mothers Day Despite The Loss Of Mom!

mothers day celebration, despite the loss of mom

Celebrating Mother’s Day despite the loss of Mom has been challenging for the past few years. I was raised in a house with two moms. And two dads. While my biological mother was in the picture. Indeed, it was my aunt who made sure we had warm meals. As well as everything else, we need to grow up successful. It was in 2009 that I lost the mother I depended on. But I had until 2021 with the mother who gave birth to me. Growing close to both of them. Then, losing them left such a void. But, remembering Mrs. Jarvis reasoning behind the holiday, we can find ways to keep our mother’s memories alive. Besides, honoring your mother and father is one of the ten commandments that are given to us by God. So honor her with some simple tasks below.

mothers day celebration, desipte the loss of your mom
  • Take Up Her Hobby: To Keep Mom’s Memories Alive. Indeed, you can do some of the things she loved to do while she was on Earth. Both of my moms lived to help others. So, I try to live every day doing the same thing.
  • Sharing Memories: In fact, not only can sharing memories of your mom can bring joy to you. But, become a Mothers Day celebration honoring their memory on Earth.
  • Love Your Siblings: In fact, this has been a task I know I have struggled with. But, as a mom I can’t think of a better way to honor moms. But to keep close ties with your siblings. Indeed, I know the struggle with distance. Or differences of opinion between siblings. But maybe for one day we will honor Mom’s memories by not letting those obstacles come between us.

Embracing Motherhood As A Mom: A Mothers Day Celebration!

Embracing motherhood means cherishing every moment. In the midst of the commitments to raise them correctly. There can be quite a bit of interruption. Differing forms temper tantrums. Trips to the emergency room. But these tiring tasks will not last forever. Then they will become the men and women who will lead the future. So, take the time to embrace the slaving over the stove. And make the time to spend quality time with them. Because one day they will be out of the home. And on their own. While you are left at home alone, remembering the memories of what used to be. So, make them memories of Good times, not regrets.

mothers day celebration, embracing motherhood

Indeed, I know that feeling of void and the pitter-patter of little feet running through the house. And of screams, he did this. And she did that, left in your memories. While you are proud of the men and women they are becoming, Anxiously, you wait to hear their voice again. And to know of their accomplishments. As well as failure (yes, children, we want to know of these too). I did not handle my children leaving the nest very well. Indeed, I have been the mother of five children I gave birth to. And many more bonus children have been born since 1995. When 2021 rolled around, they all flew away from the nest. I went into a deep state of depression.

Focus On Myself. My Health Was A Task I Did Not Know How To Do. But You Must Figure Out How To Embrace The New Season Of Motherhood. Maybe My Testimony About Dream Bigger Will Help You Figure Out Your Next Steps.

Mothers Day Celebration: And Your Mother-in-Law as Your Mom!

love you mother in law as your mom.

A mother gives you life. But a mother-in-law gives you her life. Indeed, her prize possession as a child unites with you. And your family. So, bare with her if she does not handle it very well is a lesson I had to learn. Sometimes the love of a mother-in-law goes unnoticed. But she loved you before she even met you. While raising her child to be the best man. Or women, they can be for you. So, make sure to honor her as your mom too.

My mother-in-law and I did not see eye-to-eye at first. Indeed, it was not until I got to take care of her on her deathbed. That we began to grow close. Also see each other’s unique qualities and love for her son. As her son (my husband) wanted to honor her wishes to not go into a nursing home in her last days. In fact, those wishes became my desires too. So, I did what my mom taught me to do. And that is to take care of her. As well as love her as if she gave birth to me. Her passing away to the next life hit me just as hard as losing my own moms. A one-in-a-lifetime experience to love her that most take for granted. Is something I share with others now.

Make Mothers Day Celebration This Year a Fabulous One! By Honoring Your Mom. And Your Mother in Law!

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