Dream Bigger! Enjoy the Ride of Life ABCs!

dream bigger

Do not give up, even if you feel like it! Pick yourself up! Get back on your bike. Dream Bigger! Enjoy the Ride of Life ABCs! Hang on as the roads turn. I have been saying these to myself during this season of my ride. As I grow older, the bumps in the road seem so hard to get over. I find myself thankful for being taught by a community that knew their ABCs. Most of all, learn how to dream bigger today than you did yesterday. Do not quit! No matter how hard it gets! For Pete’s Sake Get Up! Get back on your bike! Be the American Dream to All! Dream Big! Achieve them in your time! No matter what, just do it!

The storms we may find will teach us many lessons. What do you do with those lessons after you learn them? In fact, this is what will create a family legacy of opportunities and rewards.

Could Dream Bigger start with a Humble Ride?

I was born in the big city of ‘Dallas, Texas. But I was raised in the small town of Kaufman, Texas. My family was big. And well blended. An open door to anyone who needed a place to call home. My mom, who raised me, was a nurturer. Taking care of everybody who came across her path. My main teacher in life’s bike ride. Also, my inspiration came years after she left this earth. Indeed, she is the person who taught me the ABCs of dreaming bigger. Above all, enjoy the ride of life.

dream bigger, christmas gift

We grew up poor. Often, we did not get the newest gifts. One year for Christmas, I received a purple ten-speed bicycle. I loved that bike. I have lots of memories of riding around my small town. Also, the lessons that it has taught me for life. I was in every speech class offered from kindergarten through college. In fact, it helps me improve my speaking skills. As with every sport, there was a need to improve my gross motor skills. Indeed, the drill team improved my balance and leadership. Above all, my mom wanted to make sure that we knew. No matter how hard we had it, in fact, there is someone somewhere who has it harder than us.

So, if we were not busy with school stuff, then we were serving others in our community. Others served our poor family in that town. Indeed, it was not hard to follow by example. When there were off-season events and nothing to do. While we were home. I was on my bike, riding all over those country roads. Indeed, dreaming big dreams. Above all, I was planning how I was going to achieve them.

Bigger Dreams only Bloom in Healthy Environments!

Avoiding all the negative people is not always an easy task. More than ever if you are in the people business. Indeed, it may be our job to make them happy. Above all, it is important to fill your mind. As well as your soul with good thoughts. Avoid bad things that are not healthy for you. As a result, awful habits are hindering your ride. As the years pass, many souls are learning some hard lessons. Make your dream vision board, set goals, and start taking those steps.

Also, I had to decide that I was going to create the habit of becoming a thanksgiver. Someone who is thankful that I have great success stories to tell. During all the storms that I went through on my ride through life. While becoming a cheerleader to others, as many had done for me.

Where Dream Bigger Starts: Being Nice to Yourself!

dream bigger, life is a beuatiful bicycle ride

What if the negative person is yourself? Indeed, the things that you tell yourself can be just as hindering to your ride in life. But we do not talk about that much. I have not met anyone who, at some point, has not told me that I am hard on myself. While I used to take it as praise, I realized that if I am not giving myself praise, Then, who is?

Not like I would believe their applause when they gave it anyway. In fact, I often find myself feeling like they are not truly good wishes. I think the person giving the praise is just pitying me. That I could not have done as well as they say. First, this happened that they did not see. Then that happens, which they do not know. Indeed, I go down a road of self-ruin. Rather than a path to victory.

Believingin yourself is something I have struggled with throughout my life.

dream bigger, never stop working toward your dreams

In fact, I feel like I am different from everyone else. Indeed, this is a feeling I am all too aware of. While rocking the autism spectrum in an era where the Super Power was not well known yet. I have often felt different than others. Until I realized that being unique is not a bad thing, I started to believe in myself. I have stories to help others live there dreams. My fall on these bumpy roads, is also my story of getting up. And those stories will help others get up. To help me live my dreams and help others live theirs.

If you do not believe in yourself, then who does? You would think I would know this. I studied behavior science at two online universities. Truly, psychology is the same everywhere. It starts with believing in yourself. Then you can help others believe in theirslef again.

Divorce, Mr. Fear! Dream Bigger Today! Then You Did Yesterday!

How does someone who has studied behavior in people fail at the basics? I married Mr. Fear. Not literally; my husband’s last name is Neameyer. But somewhere on my ride, I stopped by Panic Park. I am not sure which tragic event rolled me onto that path. Still, after many heartbreaking bumps on my road, I found myself there. I fell into a pothole harder than I had ever hit before. Knocked me off my life trip.

While labeled one hundred percent PTSD. As well as being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. including rheumatoid arthritis. Then so many prescriptions clouded my thoughts. Before finding my new, healthier way of life. I was also told by the doctor that I would not be able to help anyone defeat storms that had knocked me off my ride. I now know she did not mean forever. But at the time, I took it as if I were done with it. No longer able to build communities. I am no longer able to teach others how not to make my mistakes. But, this was and is not the end of my story. This is my and your plan that God has for us birthing in our lives.

Panic Park! BAD Reviews! Do Not Go! Back-Up NOW! Dream Bigger!

While unable to do some of the things I once was able to do. Indeed, I found myself swaying on the swing of sadness, which also had me on the ground, hopelessly crying. I truly saw no way out of this God-for-Sasken emotional playground. Then I found myself on the Merry Go Round of Mood Swings.

Indeed, I felt like I had no purpose here on earth anymore. Led me to the sea saw of fatigue. Where I lay, watching every movie ever suggested. Something I have never gotten to do before. At first, it was so comforting. I had abandoned all my feelings for a bit. As I indulged in the ones written for me to watch. Now, falling on the downward slide of depression. Then, I found myself on the ground with two choices. Get Up! Or stay there. Dont Saty there Ya’ll! Get back on your bike, keep riding to your dreams!

Consider Things From All Angles.

Indeed, this is a key lesson you learn when coming from a big family. So, seeing things from others’ points of view became easy for me. As well as for my future. A task that I truly enjoy as a community builder. While I have been blessed to meet people from all walks of life. As a result, I have a better understanding of the misjudgment. While teaching others. I get to be the light for others when they feeling down.

Do Not give up, even when you feel like it. Then it became my focus for my path in life. If others could benefit from my bumps in the road. Then the pain from my rides through life was worth it. In fact, I enjoy teaching life skills to others. Also, giving tools to help in day-to-day rides. Above all, cheering others on to success is my joy.

Mr. FEAR Does Not know his ABC Y’ALL! EXIT this Relationship Now!

Enjoy life today. In fact, yesterday is gone. Indeed, tomorrow may never come. I used to hear my mom say it often. What I would not give to hear her say it again. Growing up, I had two moms. Also, two dads in the home. Often, we take the people who come into our path for granted. Besides, believe that you have another day. The saying is that you do not know what you have until it is gone. It becomes a reality when three of your parents are no longer here.

dream bigger, neameyer family, journey through bethlehem

Then again, when the children grew up. Because I had overlooked myself. For so long. I no longer knew what made me happy. When everyone no longer needed me for their everyday needs. There was more time to do what I enjoy. The issue was that I had no idea what I enjoyed anymore. I miss all the children being in the house. You will never get yesterday back. Enjoy Today! Dream bigger for tomorrow!

Do Not Give Up! Pick Yourself Up! Get Back on Your Ride.

Family! As well as Friendsare hidden treasures! I find it neat that memories come in times of need. One day, Mr. Rodney’s memory came to echo in my head, like he was still on Earth. In turn, thinking of the ride I had been on, I ran off the road. Indeed, I fell and sprained my ankle. Then I lay in the middle of the road, crying. And who drives up? Mr. Rodney not asking if I was OK. Not asking if he can help this young girl? But his words taught me how to get up for life.

don't give up

Instead of giving me a fish that day. Above all, he taught me how to fish forever! Not actual fish. That was what my dad who taught me. Watching for oncoming cars. Also shouting at me to get out of the middle of the road. Mr. Rodney yells at me to use the other side of my body. And get up! This well-respected one-arm man in my community teaches me. Above all, you must keep moving. Do not make excuses! Get Er Done!

Give More than You Planned. Dream Bigger!

I am sure Mr. Rodney did not plan to referee cars for me that day. Loving others does not have a measuring cup. Some of us must work harder. Dream Bigger than the road you are on. Get back on your bike. Get where you are supposed to be going. If you do not want to get run over in life. Truly, you better get up. Keep Riding! This memorable man loved teaching the youth. He looked for teachable moments to leave his unique mark on the world. Indeed, it has me wondering what legacy I am leaving behind. You never know whom you might meet. And what lessons do they learn along their life’s path? As well as what you may learn from theirs.

keep riding to dream bigger, enjoy the ride, keep moving with passion

Hang on to your dreams as the roads turn. Keep riding to dream bigger. And enjoy the ride it goes by faster. When I was a child, I wanted to be an actress. Making everyone smile. Or a cheerleader cheering on a team to success. Someone famous for spreading their love Well, I am not famous. Learning which drama to keep out of my life is the key to achieving goals. Speaking the love language to all I meet. Indeed, this is something I look forward to.

Ignore Those Who Try To Hinder You.

Bigger dreams only bloom in a healthy environment. Fear does not water your dreams! Then, as the Nike commercial says, Just Do it!

Keep riding to make your dreams bigger! No matter how hard it seems. With each baby step, it will get easier. Speak life when the sun will not shine! And you do not know why? Look into the eyes of the broken-hearted. Lift your head a little higher today. Then you did yesterday. Spread love like fire! Hope will fall like rain. When you speak life with the words you say, Mr. Toby Mac sings so well for our path.

Love yourself first sounds like a strange language to a caregiver! To clarify what the doctor was telling me before. You cannot take care of others. Until you start taking care of yourself. Indeed, this was an eye-opener for me. As a parent, putting ourselves last comes so easy. In fact, caring for yourself may be hard at first.

Exercising for Dream Bigger

The initial thing any doctor will tell someone suffering from chronic pain. Indeed, there is no cure. Also, there is no quick fix to adapting to this lifestyle. Or any new lifestyle, for that matter. Then they tell you to get some light exercise. Working through the pain is not easy. Then it becomes key to being able to move on your path. Truly, you must schedule a time to take care of yourself. Or one day, you may find yourself broken on the side of the road. With no fuel to move on with a bigger dream. Do your mediation, and restore you mind body and soul..

During my Yoga with Joelle Fixon. Indeed, I began to learn how to breathe again. By subscribing to her YouTube channel, you can pick a class according to how you feel. Including the choice to do ten minutes at first. Five minutes a day through the day will work too. It will have to; that is all I could do at that time. Now I am up for thirty minutes at a time. Every morning. As well as at night. And able to breathe through the panic park. I use my emotional intelligence to enjoy my ride. While being able to dream bigger in peace.

You Are The Only One. That Will Love Your Dreams The Most.

But make it happen! Whatever it takes for your Rare Ride Y’all, Texas is Big! But where did I go for resources? The Google Man! I had to start over with all the basics after my nervous breakdown. I started by asking him the best way to start the morning with chronic pain. Then I bought a calendar to map my ride. I had to plan for all these basic things I was not doing. A time to eat breakfast. As well as a stop for sleeping. Most of all, a path to fuel my Spirit. May I suggest ‘Grace Wins Mediation’ on YouTube to defeat Fear!

We teach our children to Never lie. As well, cheaters never win. Or to never steal what is not yours. While these are all true for good character. Do unto others as you want them to be done to you. And all those good things. We do not teach about Lying to Yourself enough in my opinion. Not to cheat yourself. If you are not treating yourself right. Doing what you are supposed to be doing. Then you will never win your biggest dreams. You must take care of yourself! I have never heard anyone teach time better than I do. Until I listened to Tanya Ricord. Your time is yours. Do not let people steal it. So is your peace of mind. Also, your joy!


Openyour eyes! And see things as they are! When my husband and I got married. Soon, I found this poster that reminded me of my mom’s lessons. There were seven children in the house at that time. And one out of the house to start their family. Indeed, we had it hanging in our home for a very long time. For some reason, it had not made it onto the walls of this house. While recovering from the bumps in the road this season. In fact, it found its way back to my wall.

My Wall Has Seen Better Days

abc's of life dream bigger

It has, for sure seen better days. With many tears. Indeed, it is showing its age. Sure, I thought about getting a new one. As I think of each lesson I once learned. Now in need to re-learn them. I felt much like this poster looked. While just a little tired. Truly, I have seen better days. Then I thought of an old frame from my mother-in-law’s broken TV. Indeed, lying around with no purpose.

Just like that, it came to me. In fact, I may not be the same as I once was. But each scar tells me who I am. Look at them one by one; you may find me damaged. Look at them after I have patched them up. Really, they tell my one-of-a-kind life ride. It is not always easy being cheesy. But I am still in the race. I still have a purpose here on Earth. Just because the children have left the home. Truly, they still have lessons to learn from me. I still have a mommy job to pass on my rare family legacy. My writing will be on the web forever. In fact, they can read my lessons to them years from now.

Raise Your Thoughts a Little Higher! Dream Bigger!

Practice Makes Perfect! Some days feel perfect. Sometimes you may feel like your drowning in the deep. Lift your head a little taller! Hope will fall like rain when you raise your thoughts a little higher. While Quitters Never Win! In fact, winners never quit!

Read about everything important in your life. In my search to find my path through my newfound ride. Using Google was key to studying all-natural ways to help myself move on. Reading things to help for a better race to a healthy me. Now I had so many feelings relearning each lesson.

Then, I Found Myself Tempted to Visit Panic Park Again.

mind body and soul for fishing, i'm in love with a ghost

But I was reminded in my reading to journal through the ugly thoughts. And I had found myself writing about one bump in the road. Then I wrote about another pothole I fell in. Above all, I found myself healing with a higher power with each entry. Enough that I was able to pull myself off the ground one more time. With the help from the one that carries me through all of life’s journeys. While teaching me that I do still have a purpose on this earth to fulfill. Indeed, I found my way back on my bike and on his road though this life on earth.

I enjoy writing so much. I found myself searching for ways to write at home full-time. Every job asked for SEO experience. Content marketing was the one type of community building I did not know. I have always enjoyed teaching people. Writing lessons unique for each family. So, I read a page to learn how to get started. That is when I came across a game-changer for me. As well as my family.

Stop Procrastinating! Just Stop Whatever is Holding You Back.

Take control of your dreams. There are too many reasons to keep riding. You cannot keep going at a rate like this. Running from your life when you are meant to live. Burying your past and not dealing with it. Feeling so defeated that you cannot ride.

Understand yourself to know others! This letter would take another four thousand words. Or more to go through all the way. Yet, you still will not know yourself! Until You do the work to know You. It takes work for every relationship to grow. The relationship with yourself is no different.

Do Whatever it Take’s to Reach Your Dream Bigger!

Visualize what is important in your life. Make visuals to map you to your goals. Calendars to keep you on task! Posters that grow your spirit to move on. See it in your dreams until you can touch it!

Want it more than anything! Indeed, not having reached that goal takes your breath away. See, there is no other way to show love

Dream Bigger Becoming a Community Builder

blog with rory, dream bigger

I first learned how to be a community builder through school programs. How to lead the team with a love language. Then again, as a single mom in the nineties looking for a career. Opening up communities for low- to medium-income people was my family. Then, after going back to college. And a failed business of my own. I found myself back into community building teaching how to overcome.

Until I read a blog. About Link Post Blogging at home. While you work for yourself. Learn how to become a part of a community. Receive an instructor to teach you how to start your own website. Might I add my instructor, Angie Bond Rocks? She sent me a Pretty Pink Binder (my favorite color) to help me with my next step in the program

Soon after, I saw my dreams bigger than me to ride by myself. My chef’s son invests in the private wine club. Dreaming bigger of having his YouTube channel to teach his kitchen tips. As well as owning his own food brand someday. The blog that I had read for my new path. Indeed, was the same one that shined a light on my son’s dreams bigger.

Fishing for Bigger Dreams! Creating a Family Legacy!

fishing is a sport, texas lakes in jeopardy, summertime bass fishing

Not only do we need my husband’s tech mind to help us out. But he saw his dreams of teaching how to catch fish as a reality. As well as how to search for your fish. Fishing is good for the soul. Indeed, teaches skills to dream bigger. As well as patients waiting for the fish. He now has products to open those doors to talk about his passion. Plans to show the art of tying your own lures on YouTube.

Dreaming Bigger about where he would like to take his basin to new levels. He fishes with The Tarrant Christian Bass Club. Based on the rules of giving back. Indeed, it creates healthy fellowship every month. Also sharing the love of the sport. Anglers who enjoy Bass fishing pass on the tradition. Indeed, they give their time. As well as their boat to use for the day. So, youth can fish in the Lone Star JR Bass Master tournaments. Helping the next generation achieve their dreams. They reach out to the youth with an event every year with free gifts. There is lots of outdoor fun for the whole family. And life lessons over food.

Dream Bigger of Fishing for Souls in Need!

mind body and soul for fishing

Embracing everyone who loves fishing Whether you own your boat. Or you are a non-boater. With the chance to fish for points. With no entry fees. And just a small yearly membership. The goal is to enjoy the sport you love with others. Also, improve your skills. Not about the money. Just about the love of nature. Perhaps dreams bigger of becoming a pro. This group is in need of boaters who believe in sharing. Sharing in the joy of taking a disabled veteran fishing for the day. Fuel for the least fortunate to ride the waters. Donations for young fishermen to further their future education. Once a year scholarships are given to young anglers.

A need has now found us to attract more anglers to build the fishing family. Helping fathers and sons have quality time on the water. Our new skill can now be used to grow the website that grows character. Reaching out to others in need of a healthy hobby. Teaching how to catch fish for life. Indeed, our dreams are bigger than before. A hobby for both of us to grow together. We now have a way to teach a relaxing sport for others to enjoy. Often a life skill that is like marketing. Now we are able to bring awareness to this faith-based club through our writing.

Be the American Dream to All!

be the American dream

XOXOXO hugs kiss love! Be the American Dream. Be the actress in life who spreads joy in your story. As well as to others you meet on your day-to-day ride. Be the cheerleader smiling at the clowns in the supermarket. You may be the only smile they see to turn their day around. You may be the only person they have seen love the way you show it. That hugs their memories. That kisses their future! To quote the CEO of a health company we love! “You may be the smile that changes their mind to end their life.” That hit deep with me! Because she did not know Rory and Tanya Ricord had been that for me. Even though we had not met. They indeed use their words to inspire!

You are unique in all of God’s creations! No one can replace you! In fact, your Makeup is One of a kind!

Keep Dreaming! Zero in on Your Target.

And go for it. Turn on Andy Mineo’s song ‘You Can’t Stop Me.’ Get back on your bike. Ride through life Singing this life chant for your ride. Fear You do not have the power to shut me down. You can not stop me. The only thing I fear is God. And he is on my side. I am my biggest enemy.

you can't stop me

My point is: While you will not let others insult you. Also, do not let your own fears bring you down. Indeed, you are going to catch every mistake you make. Above all, make your marketing plan for life. Stay tuned for that Blog. Set goals for your path. Know what pace you need to ride at to get where you are going. Indeed, I am going slower these days. But I will be rolling into your hood soon. Helping You and Yours Achieve Your Dream Bigger. Most of all, Enjoy the Ride of Life thru entertainment!

Let Nothing Stop You Dream From Dream Bigger!

As well as Dream Bigger than before! Work to become a healthy you Ride through life using your Unique Super Power. If you are called to Ride a Road few have gone down. Just take a Deep Breathe. Ride on, Shining your Light for others to journey on. I Thank God for the Google Man who invented Google Maps. One of the many believed to be on the Spectrum. Until that app hit the phones. Indeed, I was lost for hours. I have no sense of direction.

I am not the only one on the Spectrum that is speaking to others. Sharing when they fell. As well as their success for others to learn from. So, my path will be easier than theirs. All I must do is Speak! Even when I am Afraid! Dream Bigger has been set. As well as won by so many on their paths. All we must do is follow. Indeed, do whatever You and Yours need to get done. For your very own Life Ride. Find your Song to Sing to others. Your Purpose Here on Earth. Then, Write your story.

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