Three Wise Men: And Their Gifts

three wise men and their gifts

Indeed, many of us have heard of the Three Wise Men. Especially at Christmas time, in all the stories of the real meaning of Christmas. In fact, December 25th was known as an existing pagan festival honoring Saturn, a Roman god of agriculture. Also, Mithra, the Persian light, and Yule Log Day At the same time joined in on some of the pagan traditions, caroling door to door and begging for money. This holiday grew into caroling to spread the good news of the God who is not in a Grave.

Jesus Walked on Earth Teaching More about Giving than Receiving.

Yes, many state that Christians hijack a lot of the pagan holidays. But how we see it is that we don’t judge. But spread joy and mingle with the world while we are here. Besides, others state that it was easier to spread the good news that Jesus was born. On already existing holidays, while they fellowship with the nonbeliever. Also, it is true that we are not exactly sure when Jesus’s birthday really was.

Many biblical scholars believe it was around 4 BC or 6 BC before King Herod died. Orthodox countries like Rome, Greece, and others celebrate Christmas on January 6th.  However, the Bible does not state a certain date for Jesus’ birth. So, to celebrate our savoir, we chose to make sure we honor him on December 25th here in America. Much like celebrating our birthdays on a weekend when they may fall on a weekday. We may celebrate it when we are not working and can celebrate it properly.

However Others Love Ideally Decides Appreciating Your Holiday History Beliefs!

Stars are Angels: Revelation 1:20

holiday history beliefs

Jesus was born in Judea, known as Bethlehem, the city of the late King David. While running from King Herod and following the Angels to safety. Indeed, Mary gave birth in a barn because there was no room in the inns. In fact, you can read about the birth of Jesus in Matthew, chapter 1. Chapter 2 of Mathew Besides, the book of the Bible tells the story after Jesus was born, and a star appearing in the East. Also, the three Wisemen saw the star. And knew that it meant that the King of Jews had been born. As the Tora they had says, for their knowledge. However, when the three Wisemen were in front of King Herod asking about the birth of the Messiah. He was Angry!

Then sent the wise men to search for the young child, if you notice he said young child, not an infant. Leaving us to believe that the wise men did not arrive to see King Jesus until he was a toddler. Unlike the manger scene we see in the store’s shows. So, when you continue to read you will read the chapter telling of the Wisemen’s journey. Besides, will you notice that they kept their eye on the Star of the East? Also, the star led them to where Jesus was a small child, and began to worship him.

The Three Wise Men Beliefs

the three wise men beliefs

In Mathew chapter 2 verse 11. Indeed, You will read of the gifts they gave to Young Jesus by the Wise Men. Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold were the gifts they gave. Then they began to worship the King Jesus. Notice they were not worshiping the Star that led them. Or putting the Angel on high. Also, they did not worship the fine gifts that were given like gold. They were worshipping the King who was sent from heaven to fulfill a prophecy that they had been knew about. Even the gifts they gave told how wise they were.

Then in verse 11, they gave gifts to him. So, could this be one of the reasons why Christians give gifts celebrating the birth of Jesus? Now I do believe we have put more focus on gifts of the earth. Then in the meaning of the Christian holiday whichever day you celebrate it. When the real gift was his birth and all the love, he has for us. But, the gift of love, and given from love is Groovy! However, these Wisemen brought some of the best gifts of the earth at that time. 

Now, later in this blog, I want to point out how wise the wise men were. Including the wisdom, they left us to follow. But you can read all about the rest of their journey in Mathew and Luke of the Bible. As well as gain the knowledge that stars are angels in Revelation 1:20. So, it is wise to believe that the angel was leading the wise men to Jesus.

GIFTS of the Three Wise Men

  • Frankincense: Labonah, the Hebrew word for frankincense means white referring to the gum color. However, in revelation, you can see that we will receive robes white as snow. So, the color white is very significant. Only the Holy of Holy go into the temple of worship. And the scent of expensive incense. The Three Wise Men knew that he was holy of the holies.
  • Myrrh: A perfume often used to anoint dead bodies in those days. So, why would they give it to young Jesus? Unless they knew that he would have to die for our sins? Dying to show his Love, and Truth for all of us.
  • Gold: Given by the wise men should have been a tell-tell of who he was, and is. But often we see Gold as a luxury and royalty of the earth. But, King Solomon in 1 Kings and John in Revelations tells how gold is a big part of heaven. So, I think it safe to say that these wise men knew that gold was the perfect gift. Proving Baby Jesus King, Son of Man, God on Earth.

Gold More than an Earthly Treasure

The Temple of God, our New Home when Jesus comes back. And takes us home. Indeed is made of gold (Chapters 6 and 7 of 1 Kings in the Bible). Also, explains how King Solomon was told to build the temple of God to represent. And tell us what the temple of God in heaven looks like.  In 1 Kings chapter 6 verses 20-30 we learn that our home in God’s house is made of Gold. And in Revelation chapter 20, Apostle John describes heaven and the temple of God as he saw it.

While he explains that the streets of heaven are Gold. So, were the wise men trying to tell us something about their gifts given to Jesus, especially the gold? In my blog, the Bible is the Best Book to Read on Earth. Indeed, you will read how we should read this good book. So, I have read this chapter for many years. As well as taught this story of Jesus’ birth in many Sunday school classes. However, this time the spirit spoke something else to me this time. I had never heard anyone else ever point out in their teachings before.

Streets of Gold

streets of gold

That is the gift of gold from the wise men which is the dirt of heaven. Indeed, reference to man-made from the dirt of the earth. In fact, you will see the creation of man-made in their image at the beginning of the Bible. He states our image (God the Father, King Jesus, Holy Spirit) out of the dirt of the earth. So you can read that starting in Genesis chapter 1 verse to chapter 2 verse 7. Could the Gift of Gold be a symbol of God on Earth as the Son of man? Man, who was made of the dirt of Earth in his own image. While showing how wise these wise men were. And we are told to be wise in the lord but that is for another blog.

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